There are 11 white papers for this brand.
Q&A: Choosing the right compute infrastructure for machine learning
An expert viewpoint on infrastructure considerations for machine learning
Private Mobile Edge Computing and 5G
Enterprises worldwide benefit from adopting cloud computing, however some enterprise applications must stay but due to increasing workloads the networks that connect this applications are under strain
Accelerate full-stack web and mobile app development
Organizations want to innovate faster with modern web and mobile applications that delight customers and support employees.
An introduction to event-driven architectures
An event-driven architecture (EDA) is an architecture pattern designed to connect service components and enable complex systems to communicate.
Accelerating Machine Learning Innovation Through Security
Security features from Amazon SageMaker and the AWS Cloud can help you go from idea to production faster
Creating a Culture of Security
It’s no longer sufficient to leave security to a team of specialists who watch over the enterprise’s risk posture and control it through a set of constraining policies. Security has become everyone’s job, and its management has become a strategic concern.
The Power of the Data-Driven Enterprise
Read this paper to discover how cloud platorms, such as AWS, can help you achieve this and provide you with a wide range of data analytics tools with the power to analyze vast volumes of customer, business and transactional data quickly and securely.
The Data-Driven Enterprise
This eBook will show what it means to be data-driven and give some examples of how companies are using data to drive their businesses. We’ll also connect the dots between becoming data-driven and agility, digital transformation, and continuous innovation.
Unmasking your organization's data problem
Read this paper to discover the steps you can take to unmask your data problems to ensure your organization is a data-driven one.
The CFO’s Guide to Data Assetization and Monetization
In this paper, we’ll describe four data asset models that push the boundaries of business; discuss how technology enables you to apply traditional asset principles to your data; and provide some tactical suggestions to help you get started.