
There are 13 white papers for this brand.

Cyber Essentials in Education

Jamf |

In this e-book, you will learn: How changes to education have impacted cybersecurity threats, what are ten basic security controls that EDU should be implementing, what Cyber Essentials is and how it works, how earning this certification can help your institution mitigate many of the challenges to cybersecurity.

Content Filtering Essentials for K-12

Jamf |

Kids are attempting to access inappropriate or dangerous content at school every day: In New Zealand, schools recently reported that they had blocked 399 million attempts to access inappropriate content in one month.

Now that school-issued devices go home —outside of the school’s firewall— schools need some mechanism in place that blocks access to inappropriate websites from their devices, no matter where students use them. This means that schools must address student safety on many fronts.

This guide is here to help schools navigate this process.

Safe, private connections everywhere students learn

Jamf |

Jamf Safe Internet is a purpose-built, education, content filtering solution that ensures students can navigate the internet without reserve and integrates with our flagship education mobile device management solution — Jamf School. Download now, to read more on the Brochure.