There are 13 white papers for this brand.
Mobile Threat Defense for Beginners
Jamf |
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Apple has distinguished itself by constructing one of the most robust and inherently secure platforms available. As the prevalence of Apple devices continues to surge within the corporate sphere, a parallel surge in threats targeting Apple devices and operating systems has emerged.
By harnessing the power of advanced threat detection and preemptive measures against zero-day phishing and malware attacks, discover how Jamf can protect your organisation against digital vulnerabilities.
Zero Trust Network Access for Beginners
Jamf |
Say goodbye to outdated VPNs. Embrace Jamf Private Access – designed for modern computing. It offers identity-centric security, risk-aware policies, and microtunnels for authorized resource access. With effortless cloud scalability and no hardware maintenance, upgrade your security with Jamf Private Access today.
• How Jamf Private Access works
• What security features are built-in
• Why you need to reconsider your network authentication and security approach
And, where to start.
Zero Trust Network Access for Beginners
Jamf |
Say goodbye to outdated VPNs. Embrace Jamf Private Access – designed for modern computing. It offers identity-centric security, risk-aware policies, and microtunnels for authorized resource access. With effortless cloud scalability and no hardware maintenance, upgrade your security with Jamf Private Access today.
• How Jamf Private Access works
• What security features are built-in
• Why you need to reconsider your network authentication and security approach
And, where to start.
Rethinking Endpoint Security for Modern Work
Jamf |
Though a substantial part of it, there is more that goes into implementing and ensuring the endpoint security needs of your organization are met. It’s a set of capabilities that you need to protect your devices (and users) from a constantly evolving threat reality and you’ll need to choose the right tools to match the devices you’ve selected.
Download and read the whitepaper now!
Guide to Identity Management and Security
Jamf |
The importance of identity management has become abundantly clear in the past decade as organizations looked to accommodate remote workforce demands. A migration from on-premises to the cloud has taken countless organizations a step closer to modern identity management, a topic we dove into in Identity Management for Beginners.
However, identity management goes well beyond authentication and authorization as organizations look to +leverage user identities as a path to reaching their zero-trust security goals.
Download it now!
Putting Trust in Zero Trust
Jamf |
The workforce is ever evolving and seeking to combine efficiency and effectiveness in their work, with the global demands of modern business.
Enter Zero Trust, a model for more effective security with an identity-centric approach.
Download it now!
Rethinking Endpoint Security for Modern Work
Jamf |
Though a substantial part of it, there is more that goes into implementing and ensuring the endpoint security needs of your organization are met. It’s a set of capabilities that you need to protect your devices (and users) from a constantly evolving threat reality and you’ll need to choose the right tools to match the devices you’ve selected.
Download and read the whitepaper now!
Putting Trust In Zero Trust
Jamf |
Zero Trust, at its core, is not a new concept.
Over the decade since this initial concept was developed, it has been enhanced and revamped, including Chase Cunningham’s emphasis that the central focus of security should be the users. This guide walks through the three guiding principles of Zero Trust and how to deliver improved security with Zero Trust.
Identity Management and Security
Jamf |
Identity management is helping organizations realign their security posture. In this guide we’ll cover:
• How modern authentication works.
• Techniques for securing network traffic.
• How to add conditional access workflows.
• How Jamf brings it all together.
Protect your devices, users and applications from cyber threats
Jamf |
Jamf Threat Defense provides cloud-delivered security that operates on the device and in the network.
Download now to read more on protecting your devices, users and applications from cyber threads.