
There are 6 white papers for this brand.

Die richtigen Werkzeuge: 3 Lösungssets für innovative Lernmodelle

Logitech |

Erschließen Sie das volle Potenzial innovativer Lernmodelle mit den maßgeschneiderten Bildungstechnologielösungen von Logitech. Unser neuester Leitfaden präsentiert drei zentrale Bereiche – projektorientiertes Lernen, aktive Lernräume und formative Beurteilungen –, die jeweils durch Logitechs hochmoderne Werkzeuge angetrieben werden, die darauf ausgelegt sind, das Engagement, die Kreativität und die Leistung der Schüler zu verbessern.

Entdecken Sie, wie Pädagogen weltweit unsere Technologie nutzen, um das Klassenzimmererlebnis zu verwandeln, das Lernen interaktiver, kollaborativer und effektiver zu machen. Schließen Sie sich uns an, um die Bildung für das digitale Zeitalter neu zu definieren.

Les bons outils : 3 ensembles de solutions pour des modèles d'apprentissage innovants

Logitech |

Débloquez le plein potentiel des modèles d'apprentissage innovants avec les solutions technologiques éducatives sur mesure de Logitech. Notre dernier guide met en avant trois domaines clés : l'apprentissage par projet, les espaces d'apprentissage actif et les évaluations formatives, chacun étant alimenté par les outils de pointe de Logitech conçus pour améliorer l'engagement, la créativité et la performance des étudiants.

Découvrez comment les éducateurs du monde entier tirent parti de notre technologie pour transformer l'expérience en classe, rendant l'apprentissage plus interactif, collaboratif et efficace. Rejoignez-nous dans la redéfinition de l'éducation pour l'ère numérique.

The right tools: 3 solution sets for innovative learning models

Logitech |

Unlock the full potential of innovative learning models with Logitech's tailored educational technology solutions. Our latest guide showcases three pivotal areas—project-based learning, active learning spaces, and formative assessments—each powered by Logitech's state-of-the-art tools designed to enhance student engagement, creativity, and performance.

Discover how educators worldwide are leveraging our technology to transform the classroom experience, making learning more interactive, collaborative, and effective. Join us in redefining education for the digital age.

The Ergonomics Equation

Logitech |

There is a vital connection between physical comfort and student engagement in today’s technology-enhanced schools. This survey, commissioned by Logitech, explores this connection. Download this whitepaper in collaboration with Edweek Research Center to learn:

• The ergonomics-engagement connection
• How to increase students focus and stamina throughout the school day
• How to use technology correctly to improve the teaching experience
• The impact of ergonomics on learning

Equipping Your Employees for Hybrid Work

Logitech |

In this report, Logitech surveyed more than 1000 IT decision makers and employees to understand the current remote collaboration experience from the perspective of the user, contrasted against employers' business needs.

Here are some of the key findings:

- Many employees prefer the flexibility of remote and hybrid work
- Most employees are still underequipped for optimal remote collaboration
- Hybrid workers are underreporting the issues they struggle with

Download now to read the full report.

How are Companies Reimagining Workspaces?

Logitech |

Companies are using collaboration technology to engage their hybrid workforce and deliver a better in-person and remote experience. This new ebook from Logitech examines how organizations are benefitting from a shift in thinking from productivity to collaboration, and prioritizing workspaces around people.

This ebook explores how companies are reimagining workspaces by:

- Prioritizing human connection and designing workspaces around people
- Creating opportunities for video collaboration in every space
- Equipping all employees with the technology to stay connected
- Offering up a better place to work.