Centric Software
There are 17 white papers for this brand.
Rapport Retail 2023 : sortir plus fort du chaos
Centric Software |
Inflation galopante, augmentation du coût de l’énergie et des matières premières, problèmes d’approvisionnement… Les difficultés rencontrées par les distributeurs dans tous les secteurs depuis maintenant trois ans subsistent et s’ancrent dans la durée. Vous y découvrirez également des conseils précieux sur les stratégies et technologies à adopter pour envisager sereinement l’avenir de votre entreprise, en 2023 et au-delà.
Rapport Retail 2023 : sortir plus fort du chaos
Centric Software |
Inflation galopante, augmentation du coût de l’énergie et des matières premières, problèmes d’approvisionnement… Les difficultés rencontrées par les distributeurs dans tous les secteurs depuis maintenant trois ans subsistent et s’ancrent dans la durée. Vous y découvrirez également des conseils précieux sur les stratégies et technologies à adopter pour envisager sereinement l’avenir de votre entreprise, en 2023 et au-delà.
Rapporto sul Retail 2023: Dal Caos Alla Gestione Agile
Centric Software |
Inflazione galoppante, aumento dei costi dell'energia e delle materie prime, problemi di approvvigionamento... Le difficoltà incontrate, negli ultimi tre anni, dai distributori in ogni settore commerciale continuano a persistere e sono ancorate alle previsioni economiche a lungo termine. Nel rapporto scoprirà preziosi consigli sulle strategie e sulle tecnologie che può adottare per rafforzare in modo sicuro il futuro della sua attività, nel 2023 e oltre.
Rapporto sul Retail 2023: Dal Caos Alla Gestione Agile
Centric Software |
Inflazione galoppante, aumento dei costi dell'energia e delle materie prime, problemi di approvvigionamento... Le difficoltà incontrate, negli ultimi tre anni, dai distributori in ogni settore commerciale continuano a persistere e sono ancorate alle previsioni economiche a lungo termine. Nel rapporto scoprirà preziosi consigli sulle strategie e sulle tecnologie che può adottare per rafforzare in modo sicuro il futuro della sua attività, nel 2023 e oltre.
Retail Report 2023: From Chaos to Agile Management
Centric Software |
Galloping inflation, rising energy and raw material costs, supply issues... The difficulties encountered by distributors in every commercial sector for the last three years continue to persist, and are anchored in long-term economic forecasts. In the report, you will discover valuable advice on strategies and technologies you can adopt to confidently strengthen the future of your business, in 2023 and beyond.
Retail Report 2023: From Chaos to Agile Management
Centric Software |
Galloping inflation, rising energy and raw material costs, supply issues... The difficulties encountered by distributors in every commercial sector for the last three years continue to persist, and are anchored in long-term economic forecasts. In the report, you will discover valuable advice on strategies and technologies you can adopt to confidently strengthen the future of your business, in 2023 and beyond.
Retail Report 2023: From Chaos to Agile Management
Centric Software |
Galloping inflation, rising energy and raw material costs, supply issues... The difficulties encountered by distributors in every commercial sector for the last three years continue to persist, and are anchored in long-term economic forecasts. In the report, you will discover valuable advice on strategies and technologies you can adopt to confidently strengthen the future of your business, in 2023 and beyond.