
There are 302 white papers for this brand.

Top Security Questions to ask your Data Protection Vendor

Veeam |

Are you sure they're secure? It's a question you have to ask when evaluating a vendor because it can be the difference between reducing your attack surface or adding more risk to your network. Join this webinar as we'll shift through the noise and discuss what's really important when choosing who to work with.

In this session, we’ll be busting some myths and discussing what you should really be looking for in a data protection solution:

- The differences between immutability and air gapping.
- Considerations for threat detection in backups.
- Best practices for data access.
- And more!

2023 Ransomware Trends Report: Lessons learned from 1,200 victims of cyberattacks

Veeam |

According to the 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, 85%* of organizations suffered at least one cyberattack in the previous 12 months – an increase from 76% the year before. To better understand the preparedness and recoverability of cyberattacks, join us to hear the results of one of the largest independent studies based on 1,200 unbiased organizations across 14 countries around the world, all of whom survived a cyberattack. We’ll discuss how those organizations persisted through ransomware events and how backup fits within their remediation strategies so you can improve your own disaster recovery (DR) process.

Specifically, we’ll discuss:

Organizational alignment between backup and IT teams

Cyberattacks and other outages

Ransomware and impact

Cloud considerations and recovery

Technologies moving forward

Don’t miss our Veeam® experts’ perspective on ransomware.

*2023 Data Protection Trends Report, January 2023

A CISO Perspective about Cyber Priorities and Keeping Your Business Running After Disaster

Veeam |

Join Veeam Product Manager Chris Hoff as he has a fireside chat with Veeam CISO Gil Vega to discuss what cyber threats are on the top of Gil’s CISO list in 2023, advice he’d give to technical teams to have informed conversations with their CISOs about disaster recovery and his top tips for building a security first mindset at your company.

2023 Ransomware Recovery Summit: Keynote: How I would hack you and how to stop me

Veeam |

It only takes 1 email, a 30 second call, or 1 social media DM for her to hack you and gain access to your money and data or infect your systems with ransomware.
Meet Rachel Tobac, who executes these social engineering attacks for a living and uses her real life ethical hacking stories to keep organizations up to date on the methods criminals are using to trick people and the actions you can take to prevent a cybersecurity disaster before it strikes.

7 Best Practices for Ransomware Recovery

Veeam |

Ransomware is the worst kind of disaster.
- 85% of companies have experienced at least one ransomware attack in the past year
- 16% of companies were able to recover without paying the ransom
- 21% of companies paid the ransom but didn’t recover their data.

That’s why reading this white paper on the seven best practices for ransomware is so critical to your organization.

Download it and you will learn:
• Why organizations should make recovery a priority.
• The framework required to build a secure, resilient infrastructure.
• How to detect threats early and ensure fast recovery, with orchestration at- scale.
• How Veeam technologies can help you be equipped with the most complete set of capabilities to counter any potential threat.

Strategic Framework for Ransomware Resilience

Veeam |

In 2022 only 16% of organizations who suffered a ransomware attack were able to recover without paying a ransom. Since it’s not possible to prevent every cyberattack, organizations need to make recovery a priority.
This paper outlines the critical capabilities needed to prepare for and recover from a ransomware attack, reducing downtime and minimizing the possibility of data loss.

NORTH AMERICA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - 2023 Ransomware Trends Report

Veeam |

Ransomware is a problem that everyone has but no one wants to talk about publicly. We asked 350 IT leaders from organizations of all sizes to open up and tell us what it was like to survive a cyber attack.

Sauvegarde Google Cloud pour les Nuls®, Veeam® Special Edition

Veeam |

Découvrez comment concevoir une stratégie de protection des données dans le cloud suffisamment solide et résiliente pour surmonter TOUTE perte de données, tout en maîtrisant les coûts du cloud.

Sauvegarde Google Cloud : meilleures pratiques et nouveautés

Veeam |

Google offre une plateforme de cloud computing fiable et puissante. Toutefois, comme le stipule son modèle de responsabilité partagée, il vous incombe toujours de protéger et de sécuriser vos données Google Cloud.

Assistez à ce webinaire pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures pratiques de sauvegarde Google Cloud et pour découvrir les dernières nouveautés produits de Veeam® ! Nos experts vous présenteront :
• les principes de base de la protection des données Google Cloud ;
• comment protéger les données Google Cloud de façon automatisée, par stratégie ;
• et plus encore !

Sauvegarde Google Cloud : accélérez votre passage au cloud

Veeam |

Que vos applications soient déjà à 100 % natives cloud ou que vous débutiez tout juste sur Google Cloud, ce webinaire est fait pour vous. Rejoignez Christophe Multeau Veeam Enterprise Systems Engineer pour découvrir à quel point la disponibilité des applications et des données est nécessaire pour aider les entreprises à stimuler leur innovation et à renforcer leur avantage concurrentiel. Des conteneurs et de Kubernetes aux workloads traditionnels sur site (sans oublier tout le reste), ce webinaire aborde la question de la protection et du dimensionnement d'une stratégie complète de sauvegarde, de restauration et de mobilité applicative sur Google Cloud. Vous êtes invité à y participer pour connaître notre solution phare de sauvegarde et de gestion des données pour Google Cloud Platform et les environnements de cloud hybride. Les sujets suivants seront abordés :
• Comment Google et Veeam accélèrent la migration vers le cloud, simplifient les opérations et augmentent l’agilité métier ;
• Comment les clients peuvent étendre vers Google Cloud VMware les solutions Veeam qu’ils utilisent en local ;
• Présentation du moteur qui protège l’ensemble des workloads simplement, efficacement et en toute transparence ;
• Comment les clients peuvent tirer parti de Veeam pour protéger leurs workloads natifs cloud qui s’exécutent dans Google Cloud Platform.