Centric Software


Spreadsheets are popular tools for keeping businesses organized as they launch products in the market. However, the industry is full of surprises, ranging from rapid growth to strategic downsizing. These changes, coupled with consumer behaviour shifts and pandemics, make traditional spreadsheets outdated as they can't keep up with the complexity or pace of the fast-moving consumer goods sector.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a modern collaborative solution that enhances communication, sparks creativity, streamlines collaboration, and enables the execution of long-term business strategies. Knowing the right time to switch from spreadsheets to PLM is essential for your business's growth and efficiency.

Read on to understand the limits of spreadsheets, rto realize the benefits of PLM, and know how to move forward to empower you to make the right decision for your company at the right time. Get change under control with PLM.


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